I have been photographing everyday infrastructure for many years: walls, sidewalks, stairwells, street pavement, parking lots, garages. By themselves, these subjects are rather ordinary to look at. In fact, they are probably invisible to most people who use or walk on them. My goal was not to editorially depict these man-made structures. Instead, I focused my camera on specific elements in order to create pictures that describe shapes and forms, geometry and color, in order to provide a way of seeing these objects in a different way.
Stairwell, Hilton Hotel, Ocean City, MD
Stairwell, High Point North, Ocean City, MD
235 W. Van Buren Condominium, Chicago, IL
Gas Station, Portland, OR
Wall, Baltimore, MD
Storefront, New York City
Air Conditioner, Albany, NY
Parking Lots
Parking Lot
Parking Lot
Parking Lot
Untitled (Twenty Office Buildings) 2010-2014
Untitled (Twenty Warehouses) 2010-2015
Untitled (Twenty Parking Garages) 2010-2014
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