For many years, I have been photographing abandoned houses in the countryside around Baltimore and throughout the remote eastern shore territories, an area encompassing large parts of Delaware and Maryland bounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay. This was one of the first parts of America to be settled by the English colonists in the early 17th century and the region abounds with historic houses. Here, many of the older homesteads and farms are in the process of being replaced by planned communities, mega-malls, industrial parks and other forms of urban sprawl. For as long as anyone can remember these homes were occupied by generations of thriving families. More recently, financial pressures from developers, a declining interest in farming as well as other life events, have left the houses stranded. Some await the wrecking ball while the rest will simply vanish into the woods and underbrush.

Silver Run, Carroll County, MD

Wicomico County, MD

Sussex County, DE

Anne Arundel County, MD

Caroline County, MD

Accomack County, VA

Howard County, MD

Sussex County, DE

Anne Arundel County, MD

Sussex County, DE

Howard County, MD

Caroline County, MD

Howard County, MD